I Can get there all by myself
(For Older or More Experienced Children)
Goal 26: Experience the pleasure of work.
Materials: Paper, markers, scissors, glue
Procedure: Demonstrate to children how to draw a simple map from your home to the school. As you draw it, talk about several landmarks on the way. Draw them in and label them. Draw a clock by the house, noting the time (on the hour or half hour) that you usually arrive. Tell the children, "This is a map of the way I come to school every day. The clocks indicate the time I leave for school and the time I arrive. Each of you gets to school each day by walking or riding in a car or bus. That means you have to get ready to leave by a certain time and then get to this classroom by the time school is ready to start." Invite each child to construct a simple map showing their home, the school, and a route between.
To Simplify: Tell the children that you would like to construct a classroom map showing the school and the way to each of their homes and that you need their help in drawing their houses. Have them make just a picture of their homes on individual pieces of paper and cut around them. Construct a simple mural showing just larger cross streets, and help the children paste their homes east, west, south, or north of the cross streets.
To Extend: Have the children also indicate the approximate time (half hour) that they leave their homes and arrive at school. Have them draw a more elaborate route between home and school on an individual basis. Have them take part in constructing the classroom mural that integrates all their homes in relation to the school.
Goal 26: Experience the pleasure of work.
Materials: Paper, markers, scissors, glue
Procedure: Demonstrate to children how to draw a simple map from your home to the school. As you draw it, talk about several landmarks on the way. Draw them in and label them. Draw a clock by the house, noting the time (on the hour or half hour) that you usually arrive. Tell the children, "This is a map of the way I come to school every day. The clocks indicate the time I leave for school and the time I arrive. Each of you gets to school each day by walking or riding in a car or bus. That means you have to get ready to leave by a certain time and then get to this classroom by the time school is ready to start." Invite each child to construct a simple map showing their home, the school, and a route between.
To Simplify: Tell the children that you would like to construct a classroom map showing the school and the way to each of their homes and that you need their help in drawing their houses. Have them make just a picture of their homes on individual pieces of paper and cut around them. Construct a simple mural showing just larger cross streets, and help the children paste their homes east, west, south, or north of the cross streets.
To Extend: Have the children also indicate the approximate time (half hour) that they leave their homes and arrive at school. Have them draw a more elaborate route between home and school on an individual basis. Have them take part in constructing the classroom mural that integrates all their homes in relation to the school.