Goal 19: Display responsibility for the environment.
Materials: Medium-sized plastic bags labeled with each child's name, safety pins, to secure them to children's clothing
Procedure: Carry out a discussion with children about trash--what it is, how it is generated, what the effect is on the environment, and what people can do to recycle materials that are no longer wanted. Explain that each child will collect the trash that he or she produces during a day and place it in the plastic bag. Tell children that at the end of the day they will examine their trash and make a determination about how to reuse it. Then, allow children to proceed independently. Plan a time at the end of the day to examine the things that they collected throughout the day in their bags. Ask each individual to state one way her or she can recycle the materials (including the collection bag). Tell children that they are now "Recycle-Ikles." Provide each child with a badge that says "I am a Recycle-Ikle, I reduce, recycle, and reuse my trash. Set aside a recycling center in your classroom to store the materials they have collected and encourage them to reuse the items on the following day.
To Simplify: Use a classroom collection bag rather than individualized bags.
To Extend: Carry out the activity during an extended period. Evaluate whether or not the students are able to generate less garbage as time goes on. Set this as a goal for the school year. Include a collection of school-wide trash; follow a similar procedure and acknowledge the efforts of the class as they work to cut down on the amount of trash they generate with time.
Materials: Medium-sized plastic bags labeled with each child's name, safety pins, to secure them to children's clothing
Procedure: Carry out a discussion with children about trash--what it is, how it is generated, what the effect is on the environment, and what people can do to recycle materials that are no longer wanted. Explain that each child will collect the trash that he or she produces during a day and place it in the plastic bag. Tell children that at the end of the day they will examine their trash and make a determination about how to reuse it. Then, allow children to proceed independently. Plan a time at the end of the day to examine the things that they collected throughout the day in their bags. Ask each individual to state one way her or she can recycle the materials (including the collection bag). Tell children that they are now "Recycle-Ikles." Provide each child with a badge that says "I am a Recycle-Ikle, I reduce, recycle, and reuse my trash. Set aside a recycling center in your classroom to store the materials they have collected and encourage them to reuse the items on the following day.
To Simplify: Use a classroom collection bag rather than individualized bags.
To Extend: Carry out the activity during an extended period. Evaluate whether or not the students are able to generate less garbage as time goes on. Set this as a goal for the school year. Include a collection of school-wide trash; follow a similar procedure and acknowledge the efforts of the class as they work to cut down on the amount of trash they generate with time.