Pull A friend
Goal 13: Use their whole bodies in appropriate activities to strengthen muscles and muscle groups.
Materials: Wagons, sleds, cardboard sheets with ropes making long balls, or tricycles that will carry passengers, blocks
Procedure: Outdoors, suggest that one child pull or push another in the conveyance. Demonstrate and then suggest that another child take your place.
To Simplify: Provide blocks or other lighter objects for the children to transport.
To Extend: Increase the weight being transported, or suggest that the children try the cardboard and rope combination. Because of friction, this task is much more difficult but it will work.
Materials: Wagons, sleds, cardboard sheets with ropes making long balls, or tricycles that will carry passengers, blocks
Procedure: Outdoors, suggest that one child pull or push another in the conveyance. Demonstrate and then suggest that another child take your place.
To Simplify: Provide blocks or other lighter objects for the children to transport.
To Extend: Increase the weight being transported, or suggest that the children try the cardboard and rope combination. Because of friction, this task is much more difficult but it will work.