sniff test
Goal 1a: Examine the observable properties of man-made and natural objects, using their multi-sensory abilities.
Materials: One set of small vials , each with a particular and unique smell (e.g. flower, perfume, lemon, orange, garlic, coffee, extracts); a second set of vials with the same scents; blindfold; magazines.
Procedure: Have the children form a circle. Choose one child to be blindfolded in the center. Distribute one set of vials among children in outer circle. The blindfolded child is given one vial from the second set and must move around the circle, using his or her sense of smell to find the matching vial and identify what he or she is smelling.
To Simplify: Have children individually match each container to magazine pictures of the source of the scent.
To Extend: Enlarge the variety of scents. Choose scents within categories (e.g., all flower scents, all fruit scents, or all coffeee scents). Design a similar activity to test sense of taste.
Materials: One set of small vials , each with a particular and unique smell (e.g. flower, perfume, lemon, orange, garlic, coffee, extracts); a second set of vials with the same scents; blindfold; magazines.
Procedure: Have the children form a circle. Choose one child to be blindfolded in the center. Distribute one set of vials among children in outer circle. The blindfolded child is given one vial from the second set and must move around the circle, using his or her sense of smell to find the matching vial and identify what he or she is smelling.
To Simplify: Have children individually match each container to magazine pictures of the source of the scent.
To Extend: Enlarge the variety of scents. Choose scents within categories (e.g., all flower scents, all fruit scents, or all coffeee scents). Design a similar activity to test sense of taste.