Match mate
Goal 29: Explore similarities and differences among people as a way to gain personal insight.
Materials: None
Procedure: Play this as a circle game. Pick one child to be in the center. Teach the children the following song, to the tune, "Ring Around the Rosie":
Match Mate, Match Mate,
Looking for a Match Mate,
Match Mate,
Match Mate,
You are it!
As the children sing and hold hands, the "center" child moves around the circle, stopping in front of someone on the words, "You are it!" The other children then guess in what way the two children match. The child who was chosen as the "mate" will then become "it" for the next round.
To Simplify: Teacher chooses child to be "it" and just chants the words with the other children while the "it" child chooses a mate. The teacher describes the ways in which the two children are alike.
To Extend: The "center" child selects a mate on the basis of two or three matching characteristics, and the children describe these to the group.
Materials: None
Procedure: Play this as a circle game. Pick one child to be in the center. Teach the children the following song, to the tune, "Ring Around the Rosie":
Match Mate, Match Mate,
Looking for a Match Mate,
Match Mate,
Match Mate,
You are it!
As the children sing and hold hands, the "center" child moves around the circle, stopping in front of someone on the words, "You are it!" The other children then guess in what way the two children match. The child who was chosen as the "mate" will then become "it" for the next round.
To Simplify: Teacher chooses child to be "it" and just chants the words with the other children while the "it" child chooses a mate. The teacher describes the ways in which the two children are alike.
To Extend: The "center" child selects a mate on the basis of two or three matching characteristics, and the children describe these to the group.