Imitating clapping patterns
Goal 6: Demonstrate auditory memory, comprehension, and critical listening skills by repeating in correct detail and sequence the messages they hear.
Materials: None
Procedure: Ask children to listen carefully while you clap a pattern (clap-pause-clap-clap-pause) and ask them to try to repeat it. Move on to more complex and longer patterns as the children gain experience. Eventually, have the children clap one another's patterns.
To Simplify: Begin with simple patterns.
To Extend: Move on to having them clapping the syllables in their names and other words.
Materials: None
Procedure: Ask children to listen carefully while you clap a pattern (clap-pause-clap-clap-pause) and ask them to try to repeat it. Move on to more complex and longer patterns as the children gain experience. Eventually, have the children clap one another's patterns.
To Simplify: Begin with simple patterns.
To Extend: Move on to having them clapping the syllables in their names and other words.