It's a fact
Goal 48: Read independently, using decoding strategies
Materials: Expository texts containing facts and information about famous persons, 3 x 5 inch cards, pencils
Procedure: Have children choose a famous person they would like to learn about. Making available a number of expository texts at an appropriate reading level, have them search the books to find at least 10 facts of interest about the person. Have them record one fact on each card. Have children report what they found out about the person to the rest of the class.
To Simplify: Have children work with a partner to find three or more facts about a particular person.
To Extend: Have children convert their facts into a set of questions and answers. These can be used by the children to set up a Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy game to challenge one another about the facts. some children may enjoy making up and illustrating a board game using the facts they gathered.
Materials: Expository texts containing facts and information about famous persons, 3 x 5 inch cards, pencils
Procedure: Have children choose a famous person they would like to learn about. Making available a number of expository texts at an appropriate reading level, have them search the books to find at least 10 facts of interest about the person. Have them record one fact on each card. Have children report what they found out about the person to the rest of the class.
To Simplify: Have children work with a partner to find three or more facts about a particular person.
To Extend: Have children convert their facts into a set of questions and answers. These can be used by the children to set up a Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy game to challenge one another about the facts. some children may enjoy making up and illustrating a board game using the facts they gathered.