Snowperson walk or run
Goal 26: Acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills about physical activity that predispose them to maintaining physically fit lifestyles.
Materials: None.
Procedure: On brisk winter days, take the children outdoors and walk rapidly or run around the building. This activity is particularly effective after prolonged work at tables or quiet activities. Tell children that they are snowpersons in a hurry.
To Simplify: Select a closer destination.
To Extend: Gradually increase the length and speed of the walk. When returning inside, indicate how good you feel after you get out and really move.
Materials: None.
Procedure: On brisk winter days, take the children outdoors and walk rapidly or run around the building. This activity is particularly effective after prolonged work at tables or quiet activities. Tell children that they are snowpersons in a hurry.
To Simplify: Select a closer destination.
To Extend: Gradually increase the length and speed of the walk. When returning inside, indicate how good you feel after you get out and really move.