In and out of balance
Goal 15: Participate in recording scientific data.
Materials: Balance scale, wooden blocks, spoon, Ping-Pong ball, pencils or pens, other objects.
Procedure: Ask the children to carry out a series of experiments to see which weighs more: a) a wooden block or a Ping-Pong ball, b) a Ping-Pong ball or a spoon, c) a spoon or a wooden block. Have them draw the results of each experiment in their science journals, numbering and dating each experiment.
To Simplify: Have them discriminate between only two objects.
To Extend: Have them choose other objects that are more difficult to discriminate visually, recording their predictions prior to the experiment, then their findings.
Materials: Balance scale, wooden blocks, spoon, Ping-Pong ball, pencils or pens, other objects.
Procedure: Ask the children to carry out a series of experiments to see which weighs more: a) a wooden block or a Ping-Pong ball, b) a Ping-Pong ball or a spoon, c) a spoon or a wooden block. Have them draw the results of each experiment in their science journals, numbering and dating each experiment.
To Simplify: Have them discriminate between only two objects.
To Extend: Have them choose other objects that are more difficult to discriminate visually, recording their predictions prior to the experiment, then their findings.